Municipal Campaigns

End Your City’s Complicity

By urging local governments to end contracts with occupation profiteers, we raise awareness about the occupation and put pressure on those companies to end their support for it. On this page you’ll find resources to engage in a municipal boycott campaign or a BDS campaign with your local government. We’re excited that you will be joining the global campaign to put pressure on companies profiting from the Israeli occupation. 

Municipal campaigns like these have proven their worth, especially with South African apartheid. Grassroots groups organized campaigns targeting companies that enabled apartheid with amazing results. We believe this is our South Africa moment, as BDS is now drawing support from around the world. In late 2016, FOSNA and its allies scored a victory when the Portland, Oregon, city council voted to suspend its investments in Caterpillar and Wells Fargo, both complicit in the occupation. FOSNA rallied local church leaders to support the divestment.
