An Invitation to Stand with Palestinian Christians this Advent and Christmas  (UMKR)

Bethlehem candle - Ascension Lutheran Church

Thanks to the United Methodist Kairos Response (UMKR).

Our Christian colleagues in Bethlehem tell us that this Advent and Christmas in Bethlehem the lights that normally adorn the birthplace of Jesus will remain unlit in memory of those who have been killed in the current conflict. The Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem have noted that the traditional festive services in the Holy Land will be somber in nature due to the ongoing war.  

Therefore, we invite churches across the nation to do something ‘out of the ordinary’ and not to light the Advent Candle on the second Sunday in Advent (Dec 10th)* and on subsequent Sundays. This will serve as a constant reminder that we stand in solidarity with all those who are suffering in the Holy Land. 

The liturgies that each church is using can still be read but with a short addition to underline why this candle will remain unlit (see below). 

On Christmas Day we invite you to take a photo of your Advent Ring with the second candle unlit and send to and the staff at the Methodist Liaison Office will forward your pictures to local Church communities in the Holy Land so our siblings in Christ can see that we have stood in solidarity with them over the festive season.  

Additional Advent Liturgy for the Second Sunday in Advent 

As we prepare ourselves to welcome the birth of the Prince of Peace in Bethlehem, we hear the festive lights that normally shine bright in the town will not be lit this year in memory of those killed in the recent violence. To stand alongside our siblings in Christ and all those who mourn this Christmas, we will leave our second advent candle unlit during Advent and Christmas. 

Possible additional Advent Liturgy for remaining times we light candles. 

We remind ourselves that this year one candle remains unlit as the Christmas lights in Bethlehem remain unlit in memory of those who have been killed in the current conflict.

* We have chosen the second Sunday in Advent because in some traditions the second candle is known as the Bethlehem candle and represents peace, also the Old Testament lectionary reading for Dec 10th starts with the words ‘Comfort, comfort my people says your God’. It seems appropriate that we take this opportunity to think about Bethlehem and those who have been killed and those who are seeking comfort as they mourn.


Prayers from Bethlehem Bible College


Pax Christi usa: Palestine